Sunday, October 21, 2012


Hi Jammers! New item blogs are too hard for me to come up with. So... I made a new blog! It is! It is pretty self explanatory. I put random aj stuff on there. Be sure to check it out!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

World Animal Day Banner

Hey Jammers! Today's first new item is the World Animal Banner. I still have mine from last year! LoL!
Today's Second item is the Skull Hat in Bahari Bargains.
Sadly, only the 2 today. Bye!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is it Spring Already?

Hey Jammers! 3 new items yet again! First one is a vampire mask.
Second one is a Scared Pumpkin.
Last but not least, a tulip patch.
Awesome, right? Too bad everything is member only... I like that color of tulips. It looks like fire :3 Bye!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Creature Mask

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is a returned rare. The Creature Mask!
Not my favorite halloween rare, but this only means there are more to come! Also, the evil jack-o-lantern is back!
Also, big news. The last new item is... A HAUNTED PET HOUSE!!! It was for sale last year in october. It looks exactly the same! Here is a pic for proof.
Oh isn't it awesome? Bye!

Monday, October 1, 2012

LOL Random Update!

LoL Jammers! Random update today! The only difference is that it announces tarantulas.

Aren't they awesome! I have 2 :3 In water, they hang from webs, and when you click them, they bounce on a web! :3 I love them, how about you? Also, 3 new items today o.O First, the rare item. Rare Princess Necklace! It is sold in the Shiveer Store. (actually looks pretty awesome, I bought it)
Isn't it epic? Also, don't you think the "rare" plaque is a little higher than normal? Hmmm... Anyways, Second new item is a returned rare... The bat mask! It is sold in Jam Mart Clothing. (This item is also pretty epic, as many of you know, also, I own it!)
Last, but not least, a new item in Jam Mart Furniture! It is the angry pumpkin (I think this is a returned rare also, but I'm not sure...)
Tons of epicness today, right? Well, see you tomorrow! Bye!