Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hey Jammers! Sorry about not posting the past few days... I had to go to a funeral and I was to sad to post. I hope you understand! Today's new item is nonmember bamboo in Treetop Gardens for 200 gems.
What do you think? I like it (well duh, I used to have it). If you want to see the new mushroom den, I have it, and I will keep my den unlocked with the mushroom den. It's really cool. I just can't help but think they mushroomified my idea... More on this on my news blog! See ya!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Barrel Sponge

Hiya Jammers! Today's new item is the barrel sponge, member only, 400 gems in sunken treasures!
Seems like it wasn't rare long... I'll try to update my fashion and news blogs today. Maybe my scammers, if I have time. Bye!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sorry About Not Posting

Hey Jammers! Sorry I didn't post yesterday... I had a sleepover, then I slept all day! Anyways, the new item yesterday was the baby palm tree, nonmember, treetop gardens, 200 gems!
For rare item monday, the new item is the rare arctic hood, 750 gems, page 2 of the shiveer store.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Flower Glasses

Hey Jammers! Stupid new item -.- Flower glasses.
I will put up a poll on my shamans page about what shaman I should write about next! Bye!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Zios Mask

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is a Zios Mask in Epic Wonders Clothing! It is member only, 3,000 gems, color can't be changed.
I appreciate the effort AJ, but it looks kind of weird. I don't know if I want it or not... I wish it was a den item where you hung it on the wall. No such luck I guess. Be sure to check out my mini blogs daily for upcoming events! Bye!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Umm... There has been a slight change in the Jamaa Journal... Front Page has T-shirts, and there is a new 2nd page with reminders... Here are the pics

Today's new item is super epic (in my opinion) It is for 350 gems, member only, and called the lobster claw!
Well, bye!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bubble Emitter

Hey Jammers! Today's new (old) item is the bubble emitter! I remember it used to be in stores, but I don't remember it leaving... Oh well. I never even go in the oceans much anyways.
That is the original color, but it is also my favorite. Bye! =3

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hey Jammers! The new item today is nonmember, 150 gems, and a returned rare! Thank goodness I traded mine away for some good stuff.
I need to buy one now. Well, check out my mini blogs for news! BTW I will be updating at least one every day! Right now, I'm still getting the mini blogs set up, but I hope to be finished by Friday! Bye!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mini Blogs

Hey Jammers! Rare item Monday item is the rare arctic coat. Seems like there is a recurring color scheme...
I don't really like it. From now on, I will only post new items and really big important things here. My mini blogs will tell everything else you need to know! My mini blogs are at the top of the page. Just go to the one of which you want info from. Say, if you wanted costumes, you would go under fashion. If you wanted codes or glitches, you would go under news. You get it? Be sure to vote on the trends poll! Bye!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the Sea Turtle Submersible! It's member only, 1,200 gems, underwater, and flammable!
What do you think? If I had an underwater den, I would so buy it! I'm saving for a Princess Castle den, and as you can see, I'm not doing the best job :(
See? The sad story that is my life :( Anyways, I am hosting a contest! If someone can correctly guess my favorite item form the summer carnival they will get a prize! Good luck! (hint:clothing item;I may or may not be wearing it)

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Hey Jammers! I just reached a huge milestone in blogging! I just got 1,000 pageviews! Can you believe it? I'm really happy! Sorry about not getting up the fox, bunny hero labs isn't saying my google account exists (what? I'm using it now). It's messed up. By the way, I switched from a pc to a mac. Things may be a little different, but I am figuring out how to do screenshots on apple as we speak. Anyways, today's new item is the firefly necklace! Member, 1,500 gems. Can be colorized. Here is my favorite color!
What do you think? Pretty cool, right? Once I get enough gems I will buy it. I really like it. Also, aj recently activated the code discovery. It gives 1,000 gems! I haven't used it yet, but I will soon! Remember, party coming up in October!
I want this party to be awesome! Also, for the trick-or-treating we will all dress up in costumes, and go to random epic dens, and yell TRICK OR TREAT!!!! in the poor people's faces (lol). See you there! Bye!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Trends and Fox Names

Hey Jammers! By my e-mail request, AJ returned a rare! Not a very big rare, but still, a rare. At 200 gems, nonmember, main color being yellow, behold... Star Glasses!
I don't like them one bit. Anyways, the name of our dusty blue pet fox is.... Stardust with 4 votes! I will get Stardust up there A.S.A.P. The next poll will be about Animal Jam trends. What is your favorite trend? I am doing trends created by the people. I participate in every single one of them, since as a blogger, I feel I should take part in everything, whether I like it or not. One of them I just started, because I don't exactly lke it and I think it is kind of hard. Anyways, the trends we will vote on, are going to be... Fashion Shows, Packs/Clans, Dating, and Adopting. I will put the poll up right now. This weekend I will be kind of busy (science project and birthday party for a friend) so I don't really know when. By the way, if any of you know how to do a dutch accent I would really appreciate it. I am playing a reporter, and historyloverz is playing Antony Van Leeuwenhoek. Dutch accents=needed bad! Well anyways, bye!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Hey Jammers! The update was today! Also, I am changing the blog slightly. I am not going to buy the new item anymore. With school starting, I will be very busy. I will just take a screenshot of it in stores. I hope that's okay. Today's new item is a gardening hat. Personally, I think it looks kind of stupid.
The nonmember color is purple, but that one is my favorite. I will try and get the blog calender up today, with events. Also, I was sick over the weekend, and in honor of 9/11, I didn't get on for a little bit. I was just very sad about it, and 2 people in my family recently died :,( Well, enough about me! If you want to see the parties, I will make an events mini blog with upcoming events and a calender. I will be doing a lot of rearranging with my blog. I will be removing the plushies page, making the costumes page a mini blog, ect ect. Probably Saturday or Sunday. Anyways, here is the update!

With the code birthdaybash you can get a huge, bigger than last year, non-explosive, 2nd birthday cake! Here is a picture of it!
His name is Bob. Anyways, I found an interesting glitch in the door of the Sol Arcade. Contact me in comments if you have the same thing!
Also, if you see someone with the lazy eyes, you can use this funny little glitch. You don't need lazy eyes to do this. You open thier player card, and click the animals icon. Look at the animal they are being, or one with lazy eyes, and it will come out square! Here is an example.
Click to see it a little bigger. Also, sometimes, when I am playing animal jam and the loading is slow, this comes up and I have to refresh.
Well, here is my look for today!
Here are some pictures from the Birthday Bash Party!
In the store, it sells the Zios Fountian and the shaman statues in BRONZE as there is a display of them outside. You are on a giant birthday cake in a land of sweets! Most everywhere you go you are in cake mush. I love it there! That's all for today! Bye!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Trade Requests

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the tall cactus in Treetop Gardens, nonmember (yay!), and 350 gems.
What do you think? It's never been my favorite, but I want every plant, so I'm keeping it. You know how a few days ago I said I would be starting Crystalmoon Pack? I am about to update it today, and add it to the blog. Also, I'm writing the book it is based on. When my computer starts working, I will post a free sample! Also, I have a few trade requests for you. I am willing to trade any of my plants for a: bow and arrow, headress, rare wallpaper and floor (not halloween), and anything from halloween. I will trade my SBI tv for: a member glove in a color I like. Purple Glove: Dif color (not white, cream, or pink). Contact me in comments or by Jam a Gram if you want to trade! I will set up a time when I can do it, and you can confirm it. That's all for today! Bye Jammers!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Animal Alphabet (exotic)

Hey Jammers! Since I am very bored today, I will show you the alphabet! With exotic animals. See?
U=Unicorn (they exist, I have seen them in magical pony land. Don't judge me, ok!
What do you think? Just so you know, all of these ARE animals. Look them up online if you don't believe me. By the way, I'm low on gems, so I might not get a picture up until tomorrow, but the new item is a phantom throne. Bye!

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Background

Hey Jammers! I decided since it can be overwhelming for me to update everything on the blog on Thursdays, I will do little updates every few days. Sound good? I am updating the blog today, with a new fall theme! Hope you like! Today's rare item is the "rare" king's crown in jam mart clothing for 800 gems member only on page 7.
What do you think? Personally, I don't really like it. I hope all of you really enjoy my blog! If you really like it, do you think you could help me spread the word? I would really appreciate it. If you contact me, and I get more pageviews noticeably, then the next time you get on you might find a reward waiting for you... Well, my new look for today is....
Ta-da! I will try and update the costumes page, so everyone can use it for halloween! By the way, at my halloween party, everyone has to wear a DIFFERENT costume. If you would like to use a costume I have up there, feel free, but say in comments. If you would like to use one of your own, tell me in comments too. I want no look-a-likes. Ex. You would go to the costumes page, go under comments, and use this format:
Hi, my username is _______ and I want to be a _______ for your halloween party.
Get it, got it, good. Also, be sure to check out the new Crystalmoon Pack page I'm going to post soon! That's all for today! See you in Jamaa!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Crystalmoon Pack

Hey Jammers! Be sure to vote on the latest poll, I finally got it up! Today's new item is the member only Monkey Throne at the Monkey Only Party for 700 gems.
What do you think? I'm keepng mine. Here are the latest parties! Remember, September Party has been postponed to next Saturday, the 8th.

Hope to see you there! Another thing, I'm starting a pack, open to any animal, called the Crystalmoon Pack. I will make a page about it soon, I hope you will consider joining! I'm the Alpha Female, Nightraven, and my friend, tcgia53, is Healer, Stargaze. Open positions include: pup, trainee, trainer, fighter, hunter, spy, teacher, and Alpha Male. You don't have to do anything to be a pup, you have to be able to have some background knowledge to be a trainee, like simple fighting and spells. To be a fighter you have to be a good fighter, but you don't need simple spells. To be a hunter, you have to be an exeptional hunter. To be a spy, you have to be good at fighting, hunting, and spells. To be a trainer or teacher you need to have been a fighter and hunter first, and mastered what everyone has to know plus extra. To be Alpha Male, you have to be very exeptional at everything, and be a strong leader. Just to clarify some things, Alpha Male rules alongside me. There is no required romance between Alpha Male and Female. That is pretty much the basics to join, hope you decide to join! Bye Jammers!

Postponed Party

Hey Jammers! Due to previous arrangements, my party has been postponed until the 8th. Same thing, same time, same place, same server, just on September 8th.
Got it? Good. Be sure to vote on the new poll! I'm having trouble deciding who to vote for... I like all the names! Well, today's new item is the backpack, which is also avaliable for the all new monkeys!
What you think? I don't exactly like the backpack, so I'm going to sell it. Bye Jammers!