Friday, August 31, 2012

Monkey Party

Hey Jammers! I'm sure many of you have already been to the fabulous Monkey Only Party, but for those who haven't, or are nonmember and don't want to delete an animal, here are some pictures. Also, the 4 items there.
What do you think? Here are a few Monkey Party pictures.

You like? Well cya round jamaa!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Update!!! =3

Hey Jammers! Blog Update as well as AJ update! Well, here is the newspaper!

Pretty nice update, huh. On blog updates I will only update new pages, polls, gadgets, and blog background! I will try and update my other pages as soon as I can! The new items today are the planter (300 gems, member), tiny tree (300 gems, nonmember), and fern (250 gems, member).

Nice plants? I also have some trade offers, for my plants. If you want some of my still rare plants, talk to me in comments, and we can work out a trade request. I am selling them pretty cheap, consdering how rare they are. I do have guidelines though. I don't want monday "rares" (exept for medusa mask and gloves) and I don't want items that don't look good unless they are really rare. Bye!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Great AJ Blogs!

Hey Jammers! Today I want to share some great blogs that 2 of my best friends on AJ manage. The first one is Animal Jam Mist, a.k.a. and the second The Jammer Central a.k.a. Animal Jam Mistt is run by my very good friend with my same name (lol) taykeck!
Also, The Jammer Central is run by my other very good friend whom I met at a fight (lol) citruscove265!
Be sure to check out thier blogs! Also I will be adding thier blogs to my "more blogs" page at the bottom under all the posts and such. Also, I will be removing snowyclaw's blog from my "more blogs" page because I have asked her hundreds upon thousands of times with no reply -.- and she says she reads every comment -.- yeah right. So I am only putting up blogs that my buddies own now. Everyone out there, if you read my blog, and you are my buddy, and you own a blog, let me know, and I will post about it! Ok well today's new item is the mushroom chair.
What's next, a mushroom bed? I wish the would've made more crystal things, I was really liking that collection :( Also, tell me in comments how you think the blog is going and be sure to tell me some good names for a dusty blue fox for our next poll. Thanks! Also, if you have any ideas of what I can end my post with, something easier to come up with something new each day. By the way, in jamaa, if you see me, you can notice me by my look in the pictures of the new item, or my name, Infinity Spiritstone, which is what I named all my animals. By the way, I hang out on the server Rocky or Tigris or Congo. Cya is Jamaa!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back From Break

Hey Jammers! I'm back from my little break! I am going to update the blog Thursday, along with the Animal Jam Update. Also, Animal Jam is changing Shamans to Alphas! Do you like this or no? I preffered Shamans, personally. Anyways, today's new item is the mushroom table in Jam Mart Furniture for 450 gems but it's member only.
What do you think? I think I will keep mine. Another thing, be sure to check my mini blog and different pages from time to time! Also, my birthday party for me and my sister was a total bust. No one was there :( I'm fine though because my blog is new and not many people read it. Also, I'm trying to get all the Animal Jam Plaques, plus the camera badge. There are 4 Animal Jam Plaques, The artist plaque, the fan mail plaque, the contest winner plaque, and the spirit howl plaque.
What do you think? Also, you can get a news crew camera badge, visible to everyone, not just your buddies!
Pretty cool, huh. You get it for PARTICIPATION in the news crew contests. You have to follow all of the qualifications though. I am going to stop giving fashion tips in regular posts, and post them on a new page. Is that ok? Tell me in comments. 2 party reminders. Also, when I reach 5 followers or 5,000 pageviews I will throw a party for those occasions.
Yes, in both parties there WILL be surprise contests. I haven't decided upon them yet, but when I do, ya'll with have to wait! LOL. Well, I must.... FLY AWAY! Cya!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Taking a break

Hey Jammers! Just posting quickly to let you know I'm taking a short break from blogging. I will be back my AJ update though. I just need some time to adjust to school starting. You know? We are all starting school, and we are all very busy. The blog clock isn't working at the moment, so for the parties, use EST. Also known as Washington DC time and NYC time. Got it? K well bye!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hey Jammers! Blog update tomorrow. Update will include
*updated shamans mini blog
*2 more pages
*poll update
*background update for fall
*jammer of the month
Hope you will enjoy the update! Today's new item is the nonmember wooden toybox for 300 gems.
What do you think? I think it's cute, and the best part is, IT'S NONMEMBER!!! But all these den items are giving me a headache 8# Hope tomorrow is clothing! Since we haven't had new Jam Mart Clothing Items in a while... Anyways, today's fashion tip is... Black and purple. Black and purple show darkness, mystery, and power.
Bye Jammers.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tired :O

Hey Jammers. My alarm is messed up so it's been going off at 5:30 itstead of 6:30. When I try to fix it, it doesn't work. (yawns) Well anyways, today's new item is the member only tree stump sink for 250 gems.
(yawns) For my sister's birthday, on AJ, I am giving her her own page on my blog. She knows about this. She will post whatever she wants. She will probably post stuff like nyan cat (the name of the link to her blog) and weird jammers. You know, sort of like a gossip page? I guess. I have no clue what she will post, she might just post evil fairy dictators (don't ask) Today's fashion tip is pair light colors with dark.
Bye Jammers!

Monday, August 20, 2012

I is back!

Hey Jammers! I am back from vacation X3 and I'm here to stay maybe until NYC in November O.O or maybe just until labor day... Either way it's going to be a while. School starts today (yay? not) so my posts may not be as long and detiailed, since I do have school, and I have to go to it O.O I had to get up at 6:00AM for you guys and like no one really even reads my blog O.O Oh well I'm hoping it will get popular! Today's Monday Rare is.... (drum roll) "rare" seaweed hair in Bahari Bargains for 700 gems (wawawaaaa) Oh, shut up background noises!
Since I wasn't here yesterday, Today I will post the Rare of the Week! Last week's rare was the Zios Sculpture. This weeks rare is (drum roll) BACKGROUND NOISES, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!!!!! Anyways, the rare of the week is... Top Hats! I don't own these, but some nice bunnies let me take a picture of them with their tophats on =3
I hope you like it! The fashion tip today is... don't be afraid to try new clothes! If you have a certain style or a certain bunch of clothes you usually wear, don't be afraid to branch out. This look is different than what I usually wear, as you can see here.
Party Reminder!

See you tomorrow Jammers!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hey Jammers! I got bad news. Well good and bad. I'm going on vacation tomorrow. I might not have internet or time to get on AJ and post, so if I don't post, it is because I have no internet. Just letting you know just in case. I will try and post in the morning before I leave, and Sunday once I get back. If I have wi-fi, I will post Saturday if I have the time. Bye! (Possible until Sunday)

Heheh... Sorry

Hey Jammers! Sorry I didn't post the past 2 days, my parents took my whole family on an overnight trip. We left early in the morning and didn't get back until very late the next night. We had no internet or computers. They wouldn't even let us bring out phones! But today is a happy day. Blog update and AJ update. 2 in 1. LOL. Here is the AJ update.

That pretty much covers it! And for those of you who don't know, the people who are returning, ARE THE SHAMANS!!! YAY!!! As you can see, I am very exited about the event (screams like a little girl) I think I'm done now. (screams again) maybe not... Oh well! Today's new item is a tree stump table thingy in jam mart furniture for 500 gems.
Me likey table. I working on getting the new den! Jammers, from this point forth, I will keep my den UNLOCKED! I know, not that amazing, just f you want to ever see my den, you can. It isn't that great, because I usually spend my time on AJ blogging or hanging out with friends, you know? Today's fashion tip is... Black, black, dark gray, black black, white, and more BLACK! LOL.
That is it Jammers!
P.S. Invitation Reminder!